Many of us love wearing buttoned shirts or dresses. In fact, buttoned shirts are regarded as classics in formal settings. But for some people, buttoned clothes or buttons in general, can be a source of distress. This fear or phobia of buttons is known as Koumpounophobia. Although this phobia is very rare, it is a real condition that can impact one’s everyday life severely. In this article, we’ll discuss the causes of this condition.

Understanding Koumpounophobia

Koumpounophobia translates to ‘the fear of buttons’. People with this phobia have an extreme and irrational fear of buttons. Although it may sound slightly odd, people with this phobia may become extremely anxious or even panic at the sight of buttons. They may also experience intense feelings of disgust, even at the thought of buttons. 

Symptoms of koumpounophobia typically range from mild discomfort to severe discomfort, where people start avoiding any situations that might require them to face buttons in some form. 

Some common symptoms of this condition are:
  • Intense fear or anxiety at the thought or sight of buttons
  • Feeling nauseous or disgusted when asked to touch objects with buttons
  • Refusing to attend marriages or parties that require them to wear formal or buttoned clothes
  • Using clothes with velcros to avoid buttoned clothes
  • In extreme cases, people may even be afraid of saying or writing the word ‘buttons’
  • Avoiding electronic gadgets with buttons and preferring voice-operated devices instead

Fun Fact: Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, was rumoured to be suffering from Koumpounophobia.  His dislike, or hatred, towards buttons, is said to have influenced his buttonless, turtleneck clothing. His aversion to buttons is also said to be one of his motivations behind launching touchscreen iPhones

The Different Fears In Koumpounophobia

Although a fear of buttons might seem easy to comprehend, it can manifest differently in every person. Some people are disgusted by the texture, finding them unbearable to touch. Others might fear that buttons are dirty or contaminated, In some cases, people are afraid of accidentally swallowing a button. Additionally, some people may fear only electronic buttons.

What Causes Koumpounophobia?

The exact cause of the condition is unknown, however, many factors might play a role in its development. They are:

  • Past Negative Experiences

Like most phobias, this condition can also be a result of adverse childhood experiences. Traumatic events such as choking on a button, being bullied for not being able to do buttons, or experiencing abuse from someone wearing buttoned clothing can trigger a lifelong fear of buttons

  •  Genetics

A family history of phobias can put a person at risk for developing this condition.

  • Observational Learning

In some cases, fear of buttons can be developed by observing others, especially in childhood. For example- Seeing an adult with a fear of buttons can contribute to this fear or a childhood experience of seeing a friend choke on a button can contribute to this fear as well 

How To Overcome A Fear Of Buttons?

Like other phobias, Koumpounophobia can be treated with a combination of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) and Exposure And Response Prevention (ERP). Additionally, one can also learn breathing and relaxation techniques to reduce fear. In some cases, anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed as well.


Koumpounophobia, the fear of buttons, is rare, yet it can be significantly limiting for those who experience it. It prevents people from participating in social events requiring buttoned clothes or using any gadgets with buttons. Understanding the causes and treatments for this condition can be a start towards one’s recovery.


  1. B.Pharm, Y. S. (2017, July 28). Button Phobia. News-Medical.
  2. Fear of Buttons Phobia—Koumpounophobia | FEAROF. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2024, from
  3. How Koumpounophobia or the Fear of Buttons Is Treated. (n.d.). Verywell Mind. Retrieved June 19, 2024, from
  4. What Causes a Phobia of Buttons? (2017, September 7). News-Medical.
Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin