Are you considering marriage counseling but don’t know what to expect? If yes, you are not alone. Marriage counseling can feel scary, especially for the first time. Many couples wonder what the process will look like and what kind of questions a marriage counsellor might ask them during the initial sessions. Understanding these questions might help you be more prepared and feel more comfortable as you begin your journey towards a healthier relationship. Let’s look at a few common questions asked during the marriage counseling process.

  • Questions About Your Goals

Goals are an integral part of the marriage counselling process. So, a marriage counselor may ask you about your needs and expectations from the counselling process. These questions provide a direction for counselling. Some examples of these questions are:

  • What brings you to marriage counselling?
  • What do you hope to achieve by the end of the process?
  • Are there any specific issues you want to work on?

  • Individual Relationship History Questions

Sometimes current relationship concerns may be influenced by some experiences in the past. So, the counselor may ask you questions regarding the history of your current or any previous relationships. These questions provide more context and may help identify the root cause of present issues. Some examples of these questions include.

  • How did you two meet? What attracted you towards each other?
  • Have you faced any challenges in your relationships before? How did you overcome them?
  • What are your relationship’s most significant and memorable events that deepened your connection?

  • Questions About Communication Patterns

Effective communication is key to a healthy relationship. A counselor will ask about how you and your partner communicate to identify your strengths as a couple, while also helping you identify areas for improvement. Some examples of communication-related questions are:

  • What makes you and your partner feel heard?
  • How do you usually express your feelings towards each other?
  • Are there any topics that lead to frequent communication breakdowns?

  • Questions on Conflict Management

Every married couple faces some sort of conflict in their relationship. However, the way a couple handles a conflict can make a difference in the quality of their relationship. Thus, assessing a couple’s conflict management skills is integral to marriage counselling.  Some questions related to conflict management are:

  • How do you typically handle conflicts?
  • What are some of the issues that appear repeatedly in your conflicts?
  • What are some things you’d like to improve when it comes to conflict management?

  • Questions Regarding Emotional Intimacy

A strong emotional connection is crucial to a lasting relationship. So a counselor may ask you a few questions regarding your emotional connection such as:

  • How do you support each other during difficult times?
  • Do you feel supported by your partner?
  • Are there any emotional needs that are not being met?

  • Questions About Your Expectations from the Relationship

Sometimes, unmet expectations can lead to frustration and dissatisfaction in the relationship. So, a counselor may ask some questions to understand each partner’s expectations from the relationship, such as:

  • What kind of support do you want from your partner?
  • Are there any unsaid expectations that might be creating tensions in the relationship?
  • How do these unmet expectations make you feel about your partner and your relationship?

  • Questions About the Future?

Lastly, the counselor may ask you a few questions about the future to ensure that you and your partner are on the same page like:

  • How do you envision the future of your relationship?
  • What are your long-term goals as a couple?

Discussing the future also helps create a shared vision that can act as a motivator for change.


Marriage counselling is a process designed to help couples develop healthier relationships. A marriage counselor asks questions related to various areas such as your goals for therapy, relationship history, communication styles, ways to manage conflicts, expectations, intimacy and the future to get a detailed overview of the relationship dynamics so that they can tailor a treatment plan that fits your needs. The important part to remember is that there are no right or wrong answers to any of the questions, so answer them freely, so that you make the most of your marriage counselling journey.


  1. Louis Laves-Webb, LCSW, LPC-S & Associates. (2023).
  2. ‌LPC, M. R. P. (2020, March 11). Marriage Counseling: All You Need to Know. Talkspace.
  3. M, P. (2024, May 7). Your First Session in Marriage Counseling: What to Expect. WellnessHub.
Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin