Having a baby can be one of the most fulfilling and joyful moments in a couple’s life. However, it can also come with significant challenges and changes. A study by the Gottman Institute suggests that almost 70% of couples feel less satisfied in the first year of their parenthood. So how do you rekindle romance and connection in your relationship after a baby? Let’s explore it as we go ahead in this article.

  • Understand The Physical and Emotional Impact

It is important to know that childbirth can be overwhelming for both partners. The female body undergoes a lot of hormonal changes, along with changes in sleep cycles and emotions. Male partners, on the other hand, might feel overwhelmed with new responsibilities, causing stress. Acknowledging these struggles is crucial to developing mutual empathy and support.

  • Communicate With Each Other

While communication is the backbone of healthy relationships, it is even more essential after childbirth as it brings new responsibilities and expectations. Talk to each other about how you feel, your expectations and what kind of support you need from each other to navigate this phase effectively. Ensure you listen to each other actively, without judgment.

  • Find Time For Each Other

As new parents, it is natural to spend more time with the baby; however, it does not have to mean that you do not spend time as a couple. Make an active and intentional effort to be with each other at least for some time every day, whether it’s during a meal or just a normal conversation when the baby sleeps. Regular time together can help build an emotional connection.

  • Daily Check-Ins

Daily check-ins go hand-in-hand with quality time. Make a routine of checking in on each other every day with simple questions like, How are you? How was your day? Simple check-ins can indicate that you are interested and concerned about each other’s well-being.

  • Make Room For Appreciation

One of the most common reasons for decreased relationship satisfaction is a lack of appreciation or gratitude. It can be easy to overlook your partner’s contributions while caring for the baby, leading to both partners feeling unappreciated. Thus, small acts of appreciation or a few ‘thank you’s’ can create a sense of mutual gratitude.

  • Ask For Support

Sometimes, caring for a baby can get overwhelming, even if both partners are committed to supporting each other. At such times, don’t hesitate to ask for help from friends or family members. They can provide support, reducing some stress for you and your partner.

  • Practice Self-Care

While it’s completely normal for your schedules to change drastically after childbirth, self-care is still essential for a healthy relationship. Whether it’s trying a new hobby or just getting enough sleep and eating on time, ensure that you pay some attention to your well-being and support your partner for the same.

  • Have Patience

Understand that parenthood is a major change for both partners and adjusting to the new responsibilities can take some time. So, be patient with each other and give yourselves time to reconnect emotionally, leaving some room for miscommunication, disconnection or mistakes. Being patient shows that you are willing to learn and grow together.

  • Try Couples Therapy

Navigating parenthood and relationship dynamics can sometimes be tough and overwhelming, leading to conflicts. If you see regular conflicts and arguments disrupting your relationship, consider seeking help from a trained couples therapist. They can provide you with a safe space and the tools to navigate new challenges effectively.


Entering parenthood can be a joyful yet overwhelming experience for couples, leading to conflicts and emotional disconnection. However, couples can navigate this effectively through empathy, open communication, mutual support, appreciation and asking for help appropriately. With patience and mutual support, parenthood can be one of the most fulfilling experiences, helping you deepen your connection and relationship 


  1. 5 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong After Having a Baby | Psychology Today. (n.d.). Retrieved December 24, 2024, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/womens-mental-health-matters/201510/5-ways-to-keep-your-relationship-strong-after-having-a
  2. Brady, K. (2019, August 21). 8 Ways To Keep Your Relationship Strong After Having A Baby. Keir Brady Counseling Services. https://keirbradycounseling.com/keep-relationship-strong-after-baby/
  3. How to Keep the Romantic Spark Alive After Baby. (2023, January 6). https://www.thebump.com/a/revving-up-your-sex-life-after-baby
  4. Marriage After Baby. (2024, March 22). Taking Cara Babies. https://takingcarababies.com/marriage-after-baby
Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin