According to the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 10% of adolescents feel lonely worldwide. This number might be even higher in India, as according to a report in 2012, almost 17% of urban adolescents and 10% of rural adolescents reported feeling lonely. In today’s digital and internet-savvy world, these numbers might be growing faster than ever, which makes teen loneliness a crucial issue. 

It’s normal for a teen to feel lonely sometimes, but if loneliness becomes a persistent feeling, it can lead to mental health issues such as low self-esteem and increase the risk of mental health conditions such as anxiety or depression. In this article, we’ll look at a few ways in which teens can cope with loneliness.

  • Acknowledge your feelings

The first step to overcoming loneliness is to acknowledge that you are feeling lonely. While loneliness is an extremely difficult feeling to deal with, ignoring it may only intensify these feelings over time. Once you acknowledge the emotions that loneliness brings up, you will be able to deal with it in better ways.

  • Try to identify the cause of loneliness

Once the feelings are acknowledged, try to find the cause of loneliness. Loneliness can come from various sources. Are you feeling left out by your friends? Or perhaps you just joined a new school or moved to a new place, or do you feel lonely at specific times of the day? Identifying the causes of loneliness can give you an idea about how to address them.

  • Understand that loneliness is a universal feeling

It can be quite isolating to feel lonely, especially when you are a teen, but it is important to remember that loneliness is a universal human emotion. Everyone feels lonely at times, even those who seem to have a lot of friends. Recognizing loneliness is common can help reduce feelings of shame that come with it

  • Talk to your friends and parents

While it might seem hard to open up about feelings of loneliness, it can be incredibly helpful to talk to your friends or loved ones, such as parents, about it. Opening up to your friends and family will help them understand how you feel, and they might be able to help you reduce feelings of loneliness as well. This can contribute to deeper relationships with them.

  • Develop hobbies that make you feel good

Finding something you’re passionate about can be a great way to distract from loneliness and feel happier. Whether it’s reading, playing a sport or singing, new hobbies can bring a sense of accomplishment and make you feel good about yourself. Hobbies can also be an effective way to bond with others and make new connections

  • Be Kind To Yourself

When you’re feeling lonely, it’s easy to be hard on yourself. You may blame yourself for not having more friends or feel inadequate. However, being self-critical will only worsen the feeling. Instead, practice being kind to yourself and focus on developing positive aspects of your personality that help you connect with others

  • Be Curious

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone to form new connections. Join clubs, groups, etc. that help you connect with like-minded people. Be curious about others and open to forming new friendships. Often, taking the initiative to meet new people can help you feel less isolated.

  • Limit Social Media

There are multiple research studies to suggest that spending excessive time on social media can increase feelings of loneliness. Limiting your time on social media can help you stop comparing yourself while leaving more time for real-life interactions.

  • Talk To a professional

If loneliness is taking a toll on your mental health, it might be helpful to speak to a therapist. A therapist provides you with a safe space to express your feelings while helping you develop strategies to overcome loneliness.


It can be extremely overwhelming to feel lonely as a teenager; however, it can be overcome. By acknowledging your feelings, seeking support, engaging in hobbies, and being open to new connections, you can take steps to cope with loneliness in a healthy way. Lastly, remember that loneliness is a universal emotion, so treat yourself with kindness even on the days you feel lonely. This will help you feel confident and form meaningful connections.


  1. Beresin, G. (2023, November 16). How Can Young People Combat Teen Loneliness? Clay Center for Young Healthy Minds.
  2. How Can I Feel Less Lonely? (For Teens). (n.d.). Retrieved October 24, 2024, from
  3. India’s loneliness crisis explained: Why Gen Z is feeling more isolated than ever. (2024, April 13). The Indian Express.
Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin