Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is one of the most widely used and recognised approaches to couples therapy. It is an evidence-based approach that focuses on understanding and transforming the emotional dynamics within relationships. Research suggests that EFT can help couples improve their communication and create stronger bonds, improving their relationship overall. In this article, we’ll explore how EFT works and how it can benefit couples looking to improve their relationships.

Understanding Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)

Psychologists Sue Johnson and Les Greenberg developed EFT in the 1980s. They believed that emotions are an integral part of the human experience, hence, they can have a huge impact on people’s overall well-being and relationships. 

EFT is based on the assumption that avoiding unpleasant emotions and lacking emotional awareness can both be harmful to one’s well-being. EFT also believes that relationship problems stem from unmet emotional needs and communication issues.

Stages In Emotionally Focused Therapy

EFT is a structured process, that consists of three stages. Each stage serves a specific therapeutic purpose, The stages of EFT are:

  • De-Escalation

In this initial stage, the therapist helps the couple identify their negative interaction cycles and the underlying emotions behind these patterns. By exploring each partner’s emotional experiences and attachment needs, the therapist creates a safe space for expression and understanding.

  • Restructuring

Once the unhelpful patterns of interaction are identified, the therapist helps the couple re-establish their emotional bond. This involves helping partners communicate their needs, fears, and vulnerabilities more effectively, leading to increased empathy and connection. This step also helps partners become aware of each other’s needs and they start responding to these needs in appropriate ways

  • Consolidation

In the final stage, the therapist supports the couple in integrating their new communication skills and emotional insights into their daily lives. This often includes practicing new ways of relating to each other and addressing any lingering issues or concerns.

How Does EFT Benefit Couples?

EFt can bring many benefits for couples, a few of them are:

  • Improved Communication

EFT helps couples develop clearer and more empathic communication patterns, allowing them to express their feelings and needs in constructive ways, leading to deeper connections. 

  • Improved Emotional Understanding

EFT encourages partners to open up to each other about their unmet emotional needs and also helps them to express these needs in appropriate ways, leading to improved emotional intimacy, closeness and understanding.

  • Conflict Resolution

One of the most important advantages of EFT is that it assumes that relationship conflicts are caused by underlying unmet emotional needs. In this way it doesn’t blame partners for relationship issues, instead,  the focus is on creating healthier patterns of interactions. It also equips couples with tools and strategies to resolve conflicts constructively, reducing the intensity and frequency of arguments

  • Healing Attachment Wounds

By addressing unmet emotional needs, EFT helps couples deal with attachment injuries and past traumas. It also provides couples with a safe space to rebuild trust and security in the relationship.

Is EFT Really Effective For Couples?

There is extensive research to suggest that EFT helps address various issues. Let’s have a look at some of the research:

  • A study in 2013 found that couples who experienced EFT noticed a significant improvement in their communication patterns as compared to couples who did not go to therapy,
  • Similarly, another study in 2013 found that EFT increased emotional, physical, sexual and psychological intimacy among couples
  • A study in 2019 concluded that EFT improved marital satisfaction among couples The recovery was also quite lasting and couples had little chance of relapsing into distress.
  • Another study conducted in 2022 found that 70 % of the couples who opted for EFT were symptom-free by the end of their treatment

Thus, research suggests that EFT is an effective approach for couples.


In summary, EFT is a powerful approach for couples looking to enhance their emotional connection, resolve conflicts, and build a more fulfilling relationship. By addressing the underlying emotional and attachment needs, EFT helps couples create lasting positive patterns of interaction that can transform their relationship for the better.


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Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin