Are you planning to get married and wondering if marriage counseling is a necessity before you take the big step? While marriage counseling may not be mandatory, many couples can find marriage counseling a valuable source of support as they step into a new phase of their lives and relationships. Let’s explore the benefits of pre-marital counselling as we move ahead in this article  

The Benefits of Premarital Counselling

  Premarital counseling can be beneficial for couples in a variety of ways, such as:  
  • A space to strengthen your relationship
The most important benefit of premarital counseling is that it provides you and your partner a safe space where you can discuss any relationship concerns openly. This open communication will allow you to identify the strengths in your relationship while also discovering areas for improvement, leading to a stronger connection  
  • Improved communication
Effective communication is the cornerstone of a successful relationship and marriage. Premarital counseling offers couples an opportunity to communicate their thoughts, feelings and needs with each other without feeling judged. The counselor also provides various tools and techniques that can help couples express feelings effectively, leading to improved communication  
  • You feel more confident about marriage
While marriage can bring a lot of excitement, it can be a nerve-wracking experience for many couples. Premarital counseling provides couples with an environment to work through these feelings. By discussing important topics such as finances, responsibilities, and future goals, couples enter marriage with greater confidence and clarity.  
  • Helps you set clear expectations
Each person has some needs and expectations from their partner, especially when they plan a long-term commitment like marriage. When these expectations are not addressed or left unmet, they can create dissatisfaction. Premarital counselling helps couples align their expectations and ensure they are on the same page before making a lifelong commitment.  
  • Planning for the future
Premarital counselling allows couples to discuss their long-term plans, such as financial goals and family planning. Having these conversations before marriage can help prevent future conflicts, ensuring both partners work towards shared goals and vision.  

When Should You Consider Marriage Counselling?

  While premarriage counselling is beneficial for most couples, there are certain situations where it may be an absolute necessity. Some of these situations are:  
  • There is a lack of trust
Like effective communication, trust is integral to a solid foundation for a relationship. If one or both partners have a lack of trust, it can be harmful to long-term commitments like marriage. Premarital counseling can help address trust issues effectively.  
  • Persistent conflicts
Every couple has disagreements from time to time, but if arguments and conflicts are persistent, they can lead to dissatisfaction and unresolved issues. Premarital counseling can help develop effective conflict management strategies, ensuring conflicts don’t hurt your relationship in the long run.  
  • Issues with each other’s families
In a collectivist culture like India, families play a key role before and after marriage. Thus, it is crucial to address and work through any tensions that exist between partners and their families. Premarital counselling can help navigate boundaries and expectations with families effectively.   
  • Differences in key values
Core values such as lifestyle beliefs, religious beliefs and parenting styles can have a significant impact on one’s marital life and overall relationship satisfaction. If you and your partner have differing values and opinions about these issues, pre-marriage counselling can help you find ways to accept and overcome these differences.  
  • You are anxious about marriage
As mentioned earlier, it is quite common for couples to feel anxious about marriage. In such situations, premarital couselling can help explore those concerns in a non-judgmental setting and assess whether both partners are truly ready for marriage.  


  In summary, premarital counseling is not a requirement or a necessity for marriage; however, it can be incredibly beneficial for couples, providing them with a safe space to address key issues, improve communication and gain clarity about the future. If a couple is facing issues such as trust issues, persistent conflicts, differences in opinion, family issues or anxiety before marriage, premarital counselling can provide reassurance and support before they step into the commitment of marriage. Thus, premarital counselling can be crucial to healthy and lasting marriages.


  1. 7 Reasons For Couples Therapy Before Marriage—Family Psychiatry & Therapy. (2019, October 15).
  2. admin. (2022, September 6). Why it is important to do marriage counseling before getting married. Old Urban Trolley.
  3. LCSW-S, C. V. C. (2021, October 25). When to Start Premarital Counseling. Talkspace.
Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin