Dog therapy, also known as animal-assisted therapy (AAT), is a form of psychotherapeutic treatment that utilises trained therapy animals to facilitate healing and change. Animal-assisted therapy believes in the connection between humans and animals. It thus uses various animals, such as cats, dogs, fish and horses, to improve physical, emotional and cognitive functions among clients. Like any other form of therapy, AAT is also goal-directed and can be used in the treatment of various issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, etc.

Dogs, cats and horses are the most commonly used therapy animals. However, sometimes even birds can be used in the therapy process. In this article, we’ll look at dog therapy providers in Pune.

Are Dogs Good For Your Mental Health?

As discussed earlier, pet therapy or animal-assisted therapy uses the connection between humans and animals to facilitate healing. Research suggests that interacting with animals, such as dogs, can be helpful in therapy and outside of therapy-related situations. Let’s look at some benefits of interacting with dogs.

    • Dogs can offer unconditional support, which can help reduce feelings of loneliness. They also increase dopamine and oxytocin levels, leading to increased feelings of happiness. A study conducted in 2021 during the pandemic found that people with pets experienced higher levels of well-being
    • Playing with dogs can reduce anxiety and stress
    • Playing with dogs can be a good form of physical exercise, leading to  better physical health
    • A 2022 study also found that pet owners or dog owners were less likely to feel depressed as compared to people who had no pets.

Thus, there are multiple studies to suggest that dogs can indeed be beneficial for mental health and can be made a part of therapeutic interventions

Dog Therapy In Pune

As dog therapy is a relatively new approach, only one centre provides dog therapy services in Pune. Let’s look at the same

  • Animal Angels Foundation

The Animal Angels Foundation is an NGO providing dog therapy services across multiple cities in India, including Pune. They have designed human-animal interactive therapy activities with the help of trained therapy dogs over the last 14 years. 

They have started their first physical animal-assisted therapy centre in Pune. It is a ‘one of its kind centre providing training and intervention programs focused on human-animal interactions. They also provide various kinds of therapies in their centre, such as

  • Animal-assisted interventions for adults and children focused on improving socialization, communication, anxiety and autism.
  • Counselling sessions with dogs alongside a trained therapist
  • Play therapy activities with dogs for children
  • Mindfulness activities and relaxation with dogs and other animals
  • Animal–Assisted reading/drama and movement activities for children.

Their vast experience coupled with various dog-therapy interventions and options makes Animal Angels Foundation an effective choice for dog therapy.


Dog-Friendly Cafes In Pune

While only one centre provides dog therapy, you can always visit dog-friendly cafes and places to interact with your furry friends. As discussed earlier, playing or interacting with dogs outside of therapy settings may not be as beneficial as therapy, but it has its benefits. Let’s look at a few Dog-friendly cafes in Pune

  • The Fat Labrador Cafe

The Fat Labrador cafe is a small eatery located in the Bavdhan. There you may find a lot of pet parents coming with their dogs and the cafe owners have a dog of their own as well, giving you the perfect opportunity to enjoy a meal with some furry companions.


  • The Flour Works

The Flour Works is a dog-friendly cafe located in Kalyani Nagar. The cafe is also known for it’s menu and ambience. Don’t be surprised if you encounter some furry friends when you visit there.


  • Where Else Cafe

Located in Viman Nagar, the Where Else Cafe is one of the most highly rated pet-friendly cafes where you can interact and play with the dogs of other pe parents, making it an ideal choice for dog lovers.



It is important to note that the above information is based on our research, and we do not have any association or personal experience with the above-mentioned organizations and places. Thus, it is advisable to conduct your own research before visiting any place or organisation.


  1. Are Pets Good For Your Mental Health? | Mind Voyage. (n.d.). Retrieved January 3, 2025, from
  2. pet cafes you should visit in pune—Tripoto. (n.d.). Retrieved January 3, 2025, from
  3. Take Your Pet To This Cafe That’s Named After An Adorable 11-Year-Old Labrador | LBB. (n.d.). Retrieved January 3, 2025, from
Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin