In this digital age, online therapy has been gaining popularity as it has emerged as a convenient and accessible option for people seeking mental health support. However, one question that people commonly ask before starting online therapy is, ‘Will the sessions be recorded?’’Sometimes the doubts and concerns about being recorded may even discourage people from seeking help. In this article, we’ll explore if online therapy sessions are recorded

Understanding Online Therapy

Online therapy, or teletherapy, is when therapy sessions are provided through online means such as video calls, texts, chats or emails. Live video sessions are the most common form of online sessions. Live video sessions are the most researched and effective form of online therapy as well. Online therapy allows people to access counselling and support from trained therapists remotely, without the need for in-person visits.

Privacy And Confidentiality

Client privacy and confidentiality are an integral part of therapy, regardless of whether it is conducted online or offline. All therapists and therapy platforms are required to follow certain guidelines set by the organization or the regulatory body, hence, all therapists practising online are obligated to protect client confidentiality.

Recording Of Sessions

Online therapy sessions are generally not recorded. This helps the clients feel safe and comfortable while sharing their concerns. However, there may be times or situations where it is necessary to record sessions, but this is only done if there is a prior agreement between the client and the therapist. Also, sessions are recorded only for specific purposes and stored in secure folders and files. 

Some Situations Where Sessions May be Recorded Are:

  • Legal Issues

Sometimes, recording of sessions may be required in case a client is involved in a legal issue. This is especially possible when there are concerns about self-harm or harm to others. However, even in such situations, therapists are required to inform clients about the same and take all measures to ensure that the confidentiality of the client remains intact.

  • For Training Purposes

All therapists are ethically required to be under supervision. That is, they are required to seek guidance from a senior therapist. This is important so that the quality of their work continues to improve. Sometimes, therapists might be required to record sessions for training and supervision purposes. These recordings are typically used for educational purposes, allowing supervisors to provide therapists with feedback.

Sometimes therapists may record sessions so that they can watch their work and reflect on it. This allows them to review their work and gain deeper insights into the issues discussed and the progress made in therapy. However, all this is done only with the prior consent of the client, with the client having full rights to decline the request for recording.

Safety And Security

Even when sessions are recorded, therapists are required to store the recorded content with appropriate confidentiality. This includes using secure platforms for recording, storing recordings securely, and obtaining consent from clients regarding the storage and usage of recorded sessions.

What To Do If A Therapist Or Therapy Platform Wants To Record Sessions?

Recording can be uncomfortable, as most clients share a lot of sensitive and personal information during their sessions. Here are some steps you can take if your therapist wants to record sessions

  • Read the privacy policy and informed consent of the therapy platform before giving consent for recording
  • Ask your therapist questions regarding the purpose and usage of recordings. Also, ask who would be allowed to access the recorded files.
  • Reflect and think about your comfort and how you feel about the sessions being recorded before making a decision. Remember to prioritize your comfort.


In summary, online therapy sessions are not recorded until there is explicit consent from the client.  Therapists prioritize client privacy and confidentiality, and any recording of sessions is done with informed consent and for specific purposes such as legal requirements or training and supervision. Ultimately, client comfort matters most, so clients have full control and the right to decide how their personal information is recorded and used.


  1. Is It OK To Record Your Therapy Sessions? (2020, September 23). HuffPost.
  2. The Role of Recording in Psychotherapy | Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy. (n.d.). Retrieved March 22, 2024, from

Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin