When we think of well-being, our minds automatically think about physical well-being and fitness. However, our well-being depends on our physical health and other aspects of our lives. According to researcher Peggy Swarbrick, eight dimensions of wellness contribute to our overall well-being. They are physical, spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, occupational, environmental and financial wellness. All these dimensions together contribute to our well-being. In this article, we will be exploring the spiritual dimension of wellness in depth

Understanding Spiritual Wellness

When we think about spiritual wellness, most of us think about religion and religious practices. However, spiritual wellness goes beyond just religion or prayers, rather, it is about finding meaning and a sense of purpose in our lives. Spiritual wellness also involves finding a set of rules, morals and values that act as guiding principles for us in our lives. 

In simple terms, spiritual wellness involves having beliefs that connect us to a higher power and influence our perspectives on topics such as life, death and reality. Spiritual practices may include activities such as prayer, meditation, attending religious services, or engaging in practices like yoga, meditation, prayers, community service, etc. Someone who is spiritually well aims for balance and peace within themselves and with the external forces around them.

The Benefits Of Spiritual Wellness

Spiritual wellness is an important, yet frequently disregarded part of one’s wellbeing. Spiritual wellness can impact our ability to deal with stress and challenges in everyday life. In fact, research shows that people with spiritual beliefs often have lower levels of depression and anxiety, and they may also show signs of better physical health, such as lowered blood pressure. Apart from this, spiritual wellness brings other benefits, such as:

  1. Spiritual practices such as praying, meditation or simply spending time in self-reflection can help increase your self-awareness.
  2. Connecting with our spiritual side can help us become more calm and peaceful, which helps manage stress and anxiety.
  3. It can bring a sense of meaning and purpose to our lives
  4. It can improve our relationships with ourselves and others around us
  5. It leads to overall improvement in our mental and physical health

Let’s understand spiritual wellness with an example. Imagine you are taking a walk in nature, as you continue to walk, you start feeling calm and peaceful, and you start feeling connected to yourself and the nature around you. You aren’t having any other thoughts and are completely feeling the present moment. This is spiritual wellness. Being in the present and feeling a sense of connection to yourself and others.

How To Improve Spiritual Wellness In Our Lives?

Improving spiritual wellness can seem tough, especially in the fast-paced modern world. However, one can always start with small steps. A few ways to improve spiritual wellness are:

  • Self-Reflection

Self-reflection can be a powerful way to discover your values and principles in life. Start by setting 5-10 minutes towards the end of the day for reflection. Think about how your day was, and appreciate yourself for what went well. Also, take time to reflect on what you want out of your life. You can also consider keeping a journal to record your thoughts. A journal will also help you track how much you have grown over a period of time.

  • Volunteer

Consider volunteering for a cause that matters to you. Volunteering can help you connect with like-minded people and work towards something that you are strongly passionate about. Working towards a cause can often bring a sense of satisfaction, meaning and purpose to our lives.

  • Practice Gratitude

Showing gratitude means being thankful for what you have. Sometimes being grateful can seem impossible, especially during difficult times. However, being grateful can increase feelings of hope and help us focus on the positive aspects of life. Gratitude can also enhance spiritual wellness.

  • Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the practice of being in the present moment. Mindfulness can help us feel calmer and more connected with the environment around us. Start by setting 5–10 minutes aside to practice mindfulness. During mindfulness, consciously try to be in the present by focusing on your breathing.


In a fast-paced lifestyle, spiritual wellness is often sidelined. However, it is one of the most important aspects of well-being. Essentially, spiritual wellness is about finding a sense of purpose and meaning in our lives with the help of values and principles. Spiritual wellness can greatly improve our mental health. One can enhance spiritual wellness by taking small steps such as self-reflection, mindfulness, volunteering and practicing gratitude.


  1. How Spiritual Wellness Unlocks Creativity and Resourcefulness. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2024, from https://www.betterup.com/blog/what-is-spiritual-wellness-and-why-is-it-so-important
  2. Rowe, K. (2022, March 23). What Are the Benefits of Spiritual Wellness? | Stride. https://stride.com.au/what-are-the-benefits-of-spiritual-wellness/
  3. Seven Dimensions of Wellness | Grand Rapids Community College. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2024, from https://www.grcc.edu/faculty-staff/human-resources/professional-development/employee-wellness/seven-dimensions-wellness
  4. Spiritual Wellness | What Is Spiritual Well Being? | Stride. (n.d.). Retrieved February 19, 2024, from https://stride.com.au/dimensions-of-wellness/spiritual-wellness/
  5. Take Care of Your Body, Mind and Spiritual Health | Banner. (2021, June 26). https://www.bannerhealth.com/healthcareblog/better-me/8-ways-to-take-care-of-your-spiritual-health


Dhruva Koranne

Dhruva Koranne has completed his Masters in Applied Psychology from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, BALM. He has been practicing as a counsellor since 2020 and works to create a safe space for clients where they can open up. In addition to this, Dhruva loves researching and studying about upcoming theories in the field of Psychology. Connect with him on Linkedin